Hillside PTA 2017-2018

Executive Board Contact List 

Name and Position


Cell Email
Denise Dunton


2016 – 2018 408-892-5934 denise.dunton@gmail.com
Coco Sung


2017 – 2019 917-364-0969 cocosung@gmail.com
Belinda Lee

VP Membership

2017 – 2019 917-405-2647 byc25@yahoo.com
John Entrada


2017 -2019 646-714-2885 johnjentrada@gmail.com
Alyse Heilpern
Corresponding Secretary
2017 – 2019 201-341-3222 lyseeb@aol.com
Joanne Dzama

Recording Secretary

2017 – 2019 908-217-3953 jdzama@mbs.net


Interested in becoming a member of the Executive Board?

The PTA board elections are held in May each year.  Anyone who is a PTA general member may seek the nomination for any board position they may feel qualified to fill.  Nominations will be announced at the May PTA Meeting.  We will also accept nominations from the floor if there are any and the vote will be taken that night.

Here are the PTA Standing Rules, which includes Executive Board Job Descriptions.


Open positions for the 2018-2019 Election are:

  • Co-President
  • Co-Treasurer (new position):  


  • Job description for Co-Treasurer:

    – receive cash, count, enter into Quickbooks and deposit

    – receive invoices, and enter bills due

    – receive paper reimbursement requests, enter into quickbooks (will be needed less as people submit reimbursement requests online)

    – enter PayPal/Venmo payments into Quickbooks (might be automatic if we upgrade)

    – run weekly online payment reports and post to Slack before filing

    – Work with treasurer to familiarize with budget items


Should you be interested in any of the board positions, please contact our Nominating Committee, Meryll Kropac at meryllc27@yahoo.com, or Alexandra Wells at  allyfwells@yahoo.com.